Prototype of mouth piece
Quadruple composite performance enhancing dental appliance
Quadruple composite performance enhancing mouthguard
Quadruple composite performance enhancing mouthguard
Quick release tether for mouthguards
Regulator plug for the thermoformable dive mouthpiece
Safe ear clean button and protection with attachment device
Sealing strip for ear plugs and the like
Selective nonlinear attenuating earplug
Self-conforming sound attenuation earplug
Self-fitting device for location in an ear canal
Shield for preventing cautery burns
Short self adhesive denture guard
Single-use annular mouthpiece
Single-use oral protector especially for use in electroconvulsiv
Slow recovery earplug with largely impenetrable surface
Sporting prophylaxis
Suction-fitted mouthguard
Sudorific mask
Sun and sound shielding arrangement