Drug dispensing medical electrode lead and method for making...
Drug eluting lead systems
Drug-device combination for controlling the contractility of...
Dual battery power system for an implantable cardioverter defibr
Dual battery power system for an implantable cardioverter...
Dual battery system for implantable defibrillator
Dual capacitor biphasic defibrillator waveform generator employi
Dual capacitor biphasic defibrillator waveform generator employi
Dual chamber cardiac pacemaker employing hysteresis to maximize
Dual chamber cardiac pacing from a single electrode
Dual chamber heart stimulator with evoked response detector
Dual chamber method and apparatus for diagnosis and...
Dual chamber pacemaker and method for operating same
Dual chamber pacemaker system and method for delivering atrial s
Dual chamber pacemaker system and method with improved switching
Dual chamber pacemaker system with improved response to retrogra
Dual chamber pacemaker which detects, confirms and terminates pa
Dual chamber pacemaker with automatic adaptation for intrinsic a
Dual chamber pacemaker with automatically optimized AV delay
Dual chamber pacemaker with AV extension and PMT control