Electro-stimulation feet acupuncture channel physiotherapy shoe
Electro/mechanical foot massager
Electrode massaging apparatus
Facial iron
Facial steamer machine with detachable function units
Far infra-red ray and anion emitting thermal rotary massager...
Fitness stick with moxibustion and patting bat
Foot massager
Foot massaging device which provides relief to various body...
Foot-immersing massaging machine
Hammer-like tool for relieving stiffness in the neck and shoulde
Headache tension reliever
Heated lather shaving cream and oil applicator
Heated massage ball
Heated massager with massaging liquid dispenser
Human body massager with magnetic field generator
Hydromassage pillow
Hyperthermo-therapeutic apparatus for treating lower part of...
Increasing retrievable cells from a breast duct
Infrared massage device