Dual rotatable book holder
Dual spring support
Dual swivel in-line load node lock mechanism
Dual use leaf bagger
Dual-axis positioning apparatus adjusting the angular position o
Dual-cup rack and pinion cupholder
Dual-position table leg brace
Dual-purpose arrow rest/wrench for tree stand
Dual-purpose leg support
Dual-purpose position structure used as hook and dock
Dual-purpose support apparatus for use in taxidermy
Dual-stage quick release leg and tripod
Dual-use holder for pocket-sized electronic appliance or the lik
Dual-use support rack assembly
Duct and pipe bracket for use between joists
Duct and pipe bracket for use between joists
Duct bracket with pipe clamps
Duct hanger
Duct hanger device
Duct mounting fixture for securing a duct on a support