Decorative and functional fixture as sheetlike object hanger
Decorative balloon holder
Decorative bow base adapted to be securely attached to a...
Decorative cap and base cover for an office chair center post an
Decorative chair base assembly
Decorative clay pot hangers
Decorative cover for camouflaging a hook associated with a...
Decorative cover frame assembly for selectively concealing a...
Decorative covering for shelf brackets and standards
Decorative covering for shelf brackets and standards
Decorative cushion providing wide lateral movement support
Decorative device for retaining disc-like objects
Decorative display
Decorative drapery rods
Decorative fishbowl stand
Decorative gift bag balloon holder
Decorative hardware mounting system
Decorative holder for a baby bottle
Decorative lawn ornament for supporting a weather device
Decorative lawn ornament for supporting a weather device