Device for filling writing, drawing, printing, or painting utens
Device for fixing a printed circuit board to a casket-like suppo
Device for fixing printed cards in a housing and housing equippe
Device for handling articles in the form of sheets
Device for hanging and storing a workpiece
Device for hanging objects on a vertical support
Device for holding and storing articles
Device for holding at least one holding tray for electronic comp
Device for holding bags
Device for holding coathangers in an item of luggage and item of
Device for holding cooking pots and lids
Device for holding currency notes
Device for holding flatware and utensils
Device for holding objects and arrangement provided with such de
Device for holding skis during storage
Device for holding soft-covered books
Device for holding spools of thread
Device for holding sports equipment and other items
Device for holding stacked caps
Device for holding toothbrush, toothpaste tube and/or solid...