Quick and easy campfire
Reduced clearance gas fireplace
Refractory baffle insert for fireplace
Regenerator with tube system, particularly adapted for fireplace
Remote control for gas valve
Remote control of gas fireplace burner
Rotating air fireplace
Safety device for a hearth
Safety enclosure for coal, gas or wood-burning fireplace
Sash door for a closed fireplace
Scent generator for gas fireplaces
Screen adapted to be placed in front of a hearth fire or other s
Simulated electric glowing embers for gas fireplaces
Simulated solid fuel element
Smoke chamber for fireplace
Smoke filter with automated clogging prevention for open-hearth
Solid fuel clean burning zero clearance fireplace
Space heating system, heater, and combustion chamber
Stackable fireplace grates
Stove as well as a method and a device for manufacturing and mou