Wafer processing films
Waferboard lumber
Warp-free multi-layer stampable thermoplastic sheets
Water absorbing article
Water and/or oil-impermeable sealing mat consisting substantiall
Water and/or oil-impermeable sealing mat consisting...
Water and/or oil-permeable sealing mat consisting substantially
Water resistant and vapor phase corrosion inhibitor composite ma
Water vapor barrier laminate for packaging
Water vapor permeable sheet material
Water-absorbing polymer structures with improved absorption...
Water-flushable and biodegradable film useful as backsheets...
Water-impermeable sheet material
Water-resistant and high-strength laminate
Water-swellable caulking material for water-leakage prevention
Waterproof composite sheet material
Waterproof rubber sheet
Wavelength selective photocatalytic dielectric elements on...
Wear resistance in a hardfaced substrate