Alignment layer for a liquid crystal display device
Alignment layer for a liquid crystal display device
Alignment layer for liquid crystal display
Alignment layer for liquid crystals
Alignment of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals at surfaces...
Alkenyl compound having a negative Δε value,...
Alkenyl compound, liquid crystal composition, and liquid...
Alkoxybenzene derivative, liquid-crystal composition, and...
Alkyl silane liquid crystal compounds
All-optically prepared and controlled nematic liquid crystal...
Aniline derivatives, liquid-crystal composition containing...
Anisotropic composite comprising a mixture of a polymeric...
Anisotropic films based on...
Anisotropic light-scattering film
Anisotropic polymer film
Anisotropic polymer layer
Anisotropic retardation layers for display devices
Anisotropic retardation layers for display devices
Anisotropic scattering film and liquid crystal display using...
Anti-Newton ring film