Reusable core for paper rolls
Self-closing adhesive-free resealable package
Semi-sealed or sealed package for preserving produce composed of
Shock absorber and package with shock absorbers
Starch based gas barrier laminate
Structural ply of a paperboard core, a paperboard core made...
Structure of a balloon suitable for ink jet printing
Supple sheet, resistant to tearing and bursting, with poor liqui
Support post with improved axial strength
Syntactic foam insulated container
Tamper indicating tape and delaminating film therefore
Tear resistant bag for consumables
Tear tape opening system
Thermally shrinkable film having a liquid detecting function and
Thin metallic sheet structure having sound damping characteristi
Three dimensional toy structure
Transparent polyolefin multilayer film having a low sealing temp
Vapor phase corrosion inhibitors on post-consumer used or recycl
Wet waste compostable bag and method and apparatus for...
Wrapping web container and cutter for cutting wrapping web