Transparent, impact-resistant polyesterurethane laminates
Transparent, phototropic laminate
Transparent, shrinkable film, consisting of one or several layer
Transparent, UV resistant, thermoformable film made from...
Transparent, UV-stabilized film made from a crystallizable...
Transparentized paper sheet
Transportation equipment window antireflection film, glass...
Treated copper foil and process for making treated copper foil
Treated encapsulated wooden workpiece and method
Treated gypsum wallboard paper
Treated polyethylene terephthalate polarizing films for...
Treating an autodeposited coating with an alkaline material
Treatment and after-treatment of metal with polyphenol compounds
Treatment for improved magnesium surface corrosion-resistance
Treatment of cellulosic materials
Treatment of formaldehyde laden wood panels to reduce excess for
Treatment of leather with resins and lacquers derived from polya
Treatment of magnetic garnet film
Treatment of polymer using silver
Treatment of polymer using silver