Bis epoxy polyesters and food cans coated with a composition...
Block copolymer release surface for pressure sensitive adhesives
Bonded composite structure and its fabrication
Bonded structure of aluminum alloy pressed plate
Bonding process using curable epoxide resin adhesive
Bondings and composite films
Carbon fiber composite transfer member with reflective surfaces
Carboxyl-containing polyunsaturated fluxing adhesive for attachi
Carboxyl-containing polyunsaturated fluxing agent and carboxyl-r
Carboxyl-functional polyester epoxy resin powder coatings...
Carboxylic acid modified aminoplast crosslinkers and powder...
Carboxylic acid-grafted phenoxy resins
Casting compound based on thermosetting epoxy resins
Catalyzed mica tapes for electrical insulation
Cathodic electrocoating composition containing an epoxy resin ch
Cathodic electrocoating compositions containing branched epoxy a
Cathodic electrocoating compositions containing methane sulfonic
Cathodic electrodeposited coatings having high lubricity
Cation-electrodepositable resin composition