Delivery system for supplemental wood preservative and/or...
Desensitizer for no-carbon copy paper
Desk top mat
Dimensionally stable wood composites and methods for making...
Dimensionally stable, nitrocellulose coated cellophane
Dye solvents for pressure-sensitive record material
Easily biodegradable composite and decorative paper product used
Electroconductive paper
Engineered wood boards with reduced VOC emissions
Fiber cement composite material using biocide treated...
Fibre board, a method for making it, and a binder composition
Fibrous structures
Finishing process for textured panels, and structures made there
Fire and heat resistant structures
Fire resistant cellulosic materials
Fire retardant cellulose preservative treatment process
Fire retardant intumescent coating for lignocellulosic materials
Fire retardant treatment
Flame-proof cellulosic product
Flame-resistant plaster board and its manufacture