Knock down partition wall assembly
Large capacity electrical service fitting for concrete floors
Large post-tensioned floor bay consisting of a number of prefabr
Lattice beam-columns
Lightweight composite building module
Limited access feeder raceway
Lining for the interior of an automotive vehicle
Lining of an in particular flat surface with a flexible...
Liquid storage tank
Liquidtight tank made of prestressed reinforced concrete, partic
Load-carrying building structure particularly ceilings, floor an
Locking device for a cylindrical cavity
Locking device for membrane fastener apparatus
Long span structural frame
Long-span in-situ concrete structures and method for...
Masking cover for a wall surface around a pipe which emerges the
Masonry structure system
Metal deck raceway construction
Metallic beams reinforced by higher strength metals
Method and apparatus for anchoring sheet material to a framework