Sub-roof for a roof covered with roofing boards
Subpurlin and attachment assembly
Subpurlin and attachment assembly
Subpurlin and attachment assembly
Support clip for roofing panels and associated system
Support clip for roofing panels and associated system
Support clip for roofing panels and associated system
Surface covering extruded panel strip
Surface covering unit methods of use and manufacture
Surfacing for roof and siding structures of buildings
System and process for installing standing seam roofs
System and process for installing standing seam roofs
System for covering exterior building surfaces
Tabbed shingles length cut at mid-tab
Thermal insulating element
Thermoset fluorescent pigmentary vinyl
Thick-appearing shingle and method and apparatus for making...
Thickened reinforced roofing shingle
Three-tab shingle with staggered butt edge feature