Plastic box containing bags made of polyethylene for hygienic us
Pop-up tissue dispenser
Portable holder for tissues
Portable, soft pack facial tissue dispensing system
Presaturated wiper assembly
Product housing stacked body of wet tissues
Reclosable package for cellulose tissues
Refillable flexible sheet dispenser
Refillable tissue dispenser
Refillable towelette dispensing article
Refillable towelette dispensing package
Reusable trash bag or food bag container and method of making it
Reuseable facial tissue dispensing system
Soft pack consisting of a plastic film, especially for paper han
Soft pack, especially cuboid paper tissue pack
Soft pack, especially paper tissue pack
Stack of folded wet wipes having improved dispensability and a m
Stick-on, flexible, peel and seal package dispenser
Stick-on, flexible, peel and seal package dispenser
Storage cartridge for plastic sheet tubing