Float tether terminator
Float-on boat docking and lifting assembly
Floatable concrete pallet for lifting and bearing heavy loads
Floatable oil fence
Floating and nonsubmersible nautical craft
Floating body
Floating campground
Floating installation connected to a stationary underwater insta
Floating liquid-storage tank having side walls of double-hull co
Floating oil/gas production terminal
Floating platforms with a wharf belonging thereto
Floating structure in the shape of a concrete cofferdam and...
Floating structure in the shape of a concrete cofferdam and...
Floating terminal for loading and/or unloading tankers
Floorless, non-self-supporting ship cabin, constructed of prefab
Flotation collar
Fluid transfer system for tanker vessels
Fluidic controlled diffusers for turbopumps
Fluidic seal
Four-point tunnel hull for a boat