Method of and apparatus for attaching slide fastener coupling ch
Method of and apparatus for controlling sewing rate in sewing ma
Method of and apparatus for feeding fabric to sewing machine
Method of and apparatus for preparing sewing data for a multi-ne
Method of and apparatus for processing textile material webs, es
Method of and apparatus for set-back tipping of neckties
Method of and apparatus for sewing together layers of overlappin
Method of and apparatus for sewing towel fabric end
Method of and apparatus for the production of button-holes on a
Method of and apparatus for top stitching
Method of assembling textiles
Method of attaching a slide fastener to an article
Method of attaching a strip of cloth with a zip-fastener compone
Method of attaching a strip of cloth with a zip-fastener compone
Method of automatic buttonhole stitching with a computerized sew
Method of automatically adjusting thread tension in a sewing mac
Method of automatically controlling upper thread tension in a se
Method of buttonhole formation
Method of contour sewing
Method of controlling a sewing machine and a sewing machine util