Method for automatic stitching
Method for automatically sewing two stockings to form a pantyhos
Method for button sewing
Method for controlling a tufting machine
Method for effecting the sewing of a pocket stitch
Method for fabrication of a quilt
Method for folding zipper side tapes and garment panel edges for
Method for forming fabric tubes
Method for handling and sewing the perimeter of upholstered arti
Method for initially positioning a traveling buttonhole presser
Method for inserting seams in base fabric
Method for making a buttonhole on a zigzag stitch sewing machine
Method for making a double fitted sheet
Method for making a handcrafted pile rug and the resulting produ
Method for making a hat
Method for making a hybrid waterbed mattress
Method for making tufted goods
Method for manufacture of feather quilt
Method for manufacturing hats
Method for manufacturing pillowcases