Turbine housing for centrifugal turbosupercharger
Turbine housing for high exhaust temperature
Turbine scroll
Turbo blood pump
Turbo blood pump
Turbo fan housing in window type air conditioner
Turbocharger driven by internal combustion engine exhaust gases
Turbofan in air conditioner
Turbulent flow blower
Two piece blower housing with vibration absorbing bottom...
Unit for treating air with controlled flow
Vaneless impeller housing for a vacuum cleaner
Vaneless impeller housing for a vacuum cleaner
Vaneless impeller housing for a vacuum cleaner
Variable capacity turbo supercharger
Variable flow water pump
Ventilation system for electric drive mine truck
Volute for a centrifugal compressor
Volute housing for a centrifugal fan, blower or the like
Volute housing for a centrifugal fan, blower or the like