Steam chest modifications for improved turbine operations
Steam cooling system for balance piston of a steam turbine...
Steam turbine controller having method and apparatus for...
Steam turbine governor
Steam turbines, seals, and control methods therefor
Submerged motor vane wheel rotation direction control structure
Surge control and recovery for a centrifugal compressor
Surge control system
Surge detection device and turbomachinery therewith
Surge-tolerant compression system
System and method for regulating the speed of a steam turbine by
System and method of controlling thrust forces on a thrust beari
System and method of surge limit control for turbo compressors
System for admitting steam into a turbine
System for controlling the rotating speed of a pneumatically dri
System for drilling deviated boreholes
System, apparatus, and method for detecting and controlling surg
Temperature control with constant cooling flow and...
Time modulated position controller
Torque limiter for prime mover