Oil pump
Oil pump for an internal combustion engine
Oil pump for an internal combustion engine
Oil-pressure transmission device
Orbital pump
Positionable control device for a variable delivery pump
Pressure compensated variable displacement internal gear pumps
Radial piston machine having pivoted control means engaging cam
Radial vane pump having variable displacement
Reciprocating variable displacement rotary vane machine
Reduced rotor assembly diameter vane pump
Relative orbiting motion by synchronoously rotating scroll impel
Roller vane pump
Rolling piston compressor with locking device for the separating
Rolling piston rotary compressor
Rolling piston rotary machine with vane control
Rotary electrohydraulic device with axially sliding vanes
Rotary fluid device with pivoted wedge-shaped radial vanes
Rotary gear pump
Rotary hydraulic axially slidable vane device of variable capaci