Edge compacting device for an asphalt paver
Edge-forming device for a screed assembly
Edger assembly for a paving vehicle
Extendable paving screed
Feeder hopper, a method for locking the walls of a feeder...
Field configurable sonic grade control
Finisher for road surfaces with a tire drive
Flow modifying device for paving screeds with extendible section
Four track paving machine and process of transport
Frame raising multi-use paving tractor with blind mateable...
Fumes abatement system for an asphalt paving machine
Fumes collection for an auger-type distributing device on an asp
Gas discharge device for a construction vehicle
Gravel spreader
Highway sealant applicator system
Hydraulic adjustable spreader box
Hydraulically-powered rock spreader
Implement for applying sealant to asphalt pavement or the like
Machine for transferring paving material
Machine utilizing road-making materials