Synchroscope simulator
Synthesizer for testing elements of a geophysical data acquisiti
Synthesizer of multifrequency code signals
System and method for monitoring industrial gas turbine operatin
System and method for operating a steam turbine with digital com
System and method for operating a steam turbine with digital con
System and method for operating a steam turbine with improved co
System and method for operating a steam turbine with improved or
System and method for reducing the pulse repetition rate in an e
System and method of recording event information for subsequent
System for a crane boom
System for automatically and continuously measuring zinc and sul
System for controlling two variables
System for determining transfer function
System for generating an angular rate signal from an angular pos
System for indicating when maximum material speed for a predeter
System for manually or automatically transferring control betwee
System for operating a boiling water reactor steam turbine plant
System for operating a boiling water reactor steam turbine power
System for operating a steam turbine with bumpless digital megaw