Automated banking machine that operates responsive to data...
Automated banking machine that operates responsive to data...
Automated banking machine that operates responsive to data...
Automated banking machine that operates responsive to data...
Automated banking machine that operates responsive to data...
Automated banking machine that operates responsive to data...
Automated banking machine that operates responsive to data...
Automated banking machine that outputs interference signals...
Automated banking machine that uses inductance readings to...
Automated banking machine which dispenses, receives and...
Automated banking machine which dispenses, receives and...
Automated banking machine which dispenses, receives and...
Automated banking machine which dispenses, receives and...
Automated banking machine which dispenses, receives and...
Automated banking machine which dispenses, receives and...
Automated banking machine with bezel including an opening...
Automated banking machine with bezel including an opening...
Automated banking machine with bezel including an opening...
Automated banking machine with improved resistance to fraud
Automated banking machine with improved resistance to fraud