Apparatus and method for decoding bar codes
Apparatus and method for decoding damaged optical codes
Apparatus and method for detecting line segment direction
Apparatus and method for determining a distance to a target
Apparatus and method for determining ingredients by label...
Apparatus and method for determining types of recorded data card
Apparatus and method for emulating bar codes
Apparatus and method for equalizing the signal strengths of diff
Apparatus and method for extending laser life by discontinuous o
Apparatus and method for generating 100% United States Postal Se
Apparatus and method for management of calibration data
Apparatus and method for obtaining a random code useable in...
Apparatus and method for obtaining an image of an arcuate...
Apparatus and method for optically measuring bar code dimensions
Apparatus and method for POS processing
Apparatus and method for printing on media and detecting...
Apparatus and method for programming an RFID transponder...
Apparatus and method for reading a coded pattern
Apparatus and method for reading an identifying label on an info
Apparatus and method for reading an optical code