Optical unit for optical symbol reader
Optical wand interface to fixed scanner
Optical-card reader
Optically pumped, vertically emitting semiconductor laser
Optically readable card carrying digital data, and an access con
Optics frame assembly
Optimized non-volatile storage systems
Optimized non-volatile storage systems
Optimized smart card driver performance
Optimized technique for decoding a bar code from an image of an
Opto-electronic device for acquisition of images of codes in...
Optoelectric device for the recognition of contrast marks
Optoelectronic a device employing a digital filter which operate
Optoelectronic code reader
Optoelectronic device
Optoelectronic device
Optoelectronic device
Optoelectronic device and process for acquiring symbols,...
Optoelectronic device and process for acquiring symbols,...
Optoelectronic device and process for acquiring symbols,...