Temperature-controlled shipping container and method for...
Temperature-controlled storage system
Temperature-cycled cold trap
Temperature-dependent output control for a heat pump absorber
Temperature-regulated storage and/or display module
Temperature-responsive controller for regulating ice production
Tempering device for a microtome
Temporarily rigidifying soft materials
Temporary refrigerator storage modules
Ten degree Kelvin hydride refrigerator
Terminal board and relays casing assembly in motor compressors f
Termination for a superconductive cable
Ternary Dy-Er-Al magnetic refrigerants
Ternary refrigerant compositions containing fluorinated...
Ternary refrigerant compositions which contain...
Test fitting adapter for refrigerant lines
Test for the automated detection of leaks between high and...
Testing equipment having refrigerator incorporated therein
Thallous halide materials for use in cryogenic applications
Themed snow apparatus