Rotary-type fluid machine and refrigeration cycle apparatus
Rotatable heat transfer apparatus
Rotatable refrigerated valve
Rotatable refrigerating disc for ice making apparatus
Rotating adsorption heat pump using thermosyphons for internal h
Rotating bed magnetic refrigeration apparatus
Rotating bernoulli heat pump
Rotating disk evaporative cooler
Rotating heat pipe for air-conditioning
Rotating heat pump
Rotating liquid nitrogen cooled substrate holder
Rotating magnet magnetic refrigerator
Rotating single cycle two-phase thermally activated heat pump
Rotating vane compressor with energy recovery section, operating
Rotational resistance cryogenic control system for chilling in a
Rotational speed control system, rotatingly driving system,...
Rotor structure for juice cold temperature creamer
Rotor temperature control and calibration
Round drink dispenser
Rubber composition having excellent gripping power and rolling r