Magnetic resonance diagnostic apparatus
Magnetic resonance imager with helium recondensing
Magnetic sorption self cooling and self heating containers
Magnetic telescope with enhanced noise suppression
Magnetic valve, especially three-way valve as a switching device
Magnetical working amorphous substance
Magnetically coupled integrated power and cooling unit
Magneto caloric system
Magnetocaloric monostable and bistable inductors for electrical
Magnetostrictive drive of refrigeration systems
Magnetostrictive drive of refrigeration systems
Mainframe of an air conditioner
Maintenance and cleaning for an ice machine
Maintenance and protection devices for cooling plants
Maintenance and protection devices for cooling plants
Make-up air energy recovery ventilator
Make-up handler with direct expansion dehumidification
Makeup air preconditioner for use with an air conditioning unit
Makeup air preconditioner for use with an air conditioning unit
Makeup oil system for first stage oil separation in booster syst