Passive booster for pumping liquified gases
Passive emergency ventilation system
Passive low gravity cryogenic storage vessel
Permanent magnet system based on high-temperature superconductor
Piping installation for low temperature fluid
Plant and process for supplying helium to a plurality of...
Plate-type heat exchangers
Plug for horizontal cryostat penetration
Point cooling
Polarized gas accumulators and heating jackets and...
Polarized gas accumulators and heating jackets and...
Polarized gas accumulators and heating jackets and...
Portable cryogenic liquid storage-gas supply system
Portable cryogenic power system for pneumatically operated tools
Portable helium 3 cryostat
Portable life support system
Portable life support system
Portable life support system
Portable self-contained cooler/freezer apparatus for use on comm
Portable, superabsorbent carrying container able to provide refr