Method and device for the after-cooling of a preform in the...
Method and device for the manufacture of an ice slurry
Method and device for transferring water from a source to a...
Method and device for treating waste
Method and dilution refrigerator for cooling at temperatures bel
Method and do-it-yourself kit for evacuating an air conditioning
Method and equipment for utilization of the freezing heat of wat
Method and generator unit of an absorption heat pump system for
Method and installation for continuous crystallization of...
Method and installation for continuous production of liquid ice
Method and installation for continuous production of whipped ice
Method and installation for cooling an apparatus
Method and installation for monitoring the temperature in a gree
Method and installation for preparing the shipment of frozen goo
Method and installation for recovering the heaviest hydrocarbons
Method and installation for treating a storage site
Method and means for cooling the oil in a system including a com
Method and means for optimizing batch crystallization for purify
Method and means for pain-free dental injections
Method and means for providing refrigeration