Sealed system multiple speed compressor and damping control
Sealed system multiple speed compressor and fan control
Selective temperature control system
Self contained indirect refrigeration system
Self-cleaning heat exchanger fan assembly and controls
Self-contained ambient precooler attachment for air-cooled conde
Semiconductor manufacturing facility, semiconductor...
Sequentially controlled single evaporator refrigerator
Setting device of a force feedback type
Shelf units for refrigerators
Side by side type refrigerator and method for controlling...
Single evaporator, single fan combination refrigerator with inde
Single evaporator, single fan combination refrigerator with inde
Single evaporator, single fan combination refrigrator with indep
Sleeping capsule
Slope predictive control and digital PID control
Soft ice cream machine
Speed compensated inlet air mixture control method for a...
Speed control of multiple components in refrigerant systems
Spot air-conditioner