Panchromatic silver halide photographic element
Partially translucent white film having a metallized surface
Peel apart diffusion transfer compound film unit with crosslinka
Peel-apart photosensitive element
Peel-apart photosensitive elements and their process of use
Peel-apart process for forming relief images
Peel-developable single sheet color proofing system with...
Pendant oxime polymers and photographic use thereof
Perfluorinated stripping agents for diffusion transfer assemblag
Photochemical or mechanical production of flexible printing plat
Photograph film unit
Photograph system
Photographic compositions and elements including internal latent
Photographic day/night displays utilizing inorganic particles
Photographic diffusion transfer process and material for the pro
Photographic donor material with non-photosensitive silver halid
Photographic dye diffusion transfer process
Photographic dye diffusion transfer process
Photographic dye diffusion transfer process
Photographic dye diffusion transfer process and color photograph