Thermal imagers using liquid crystal sensing elements
Thermally-transferred color filter array element
Thermo-optic liquid-crystal device for real-time display of anim
Thermo-optic liquid-crystal device for real-time display of anim
Three-glass photographic objective color-corrected at four wavel
Time-of-flight capable high resolution pet detector
Tomographic cross-sectional imaging using incoherent optical pro
Toy stick mechanism with an optical system
Transient voltage suppression for electro-optic modules
Transmitter for use in a laser communication and ranging system
Transmitting device of light signal for remote control
Transmitting receiving device with a diode mounted on a support
Transportable fibre optic apparatus for use in a security system
Transverse field focused system
Trifocal lens for a laser instrument
Tripod type slave unit
TTL Compatible LED driver circuit
Tunable quantum well infrared detector
Two-phase charge transfer device image sensor
Two-way telephone transmission system utilizing opto-couplers