Method and device for facsimile communication capable of...
Method and modem for adaptive allocation of the pilot carrier in
Method and multi-carrier transceiver with stored application...
Method and multi-carrier transceiver with stored application...
Method and system for adjusting digital subscriber line...
Method and system for analytically computing and using an...
Method and system for automatically determining data communicati
Method and system for communication backward compatibility
Method and system for communication backward compatibility
Method and system for detecting analog and ADPCM links in a...
Method and system for dynamically inverting an asymmetric...
Method and system for efficient quantization in DAC and ADC...
Method and system for externally incorporating automatic...
Method and system for implementing a conditional one's...
Method and system for improving modem performance, computer...
Method and system for mitigating Fourier transform side lobes
Method and system for modem command processing during data trans
Method and system for modem command processing during data trans
Method and system for oversubscribing a DSL modem
Method and system for oversubscribing a pool of modems