Noise shaping technique for spread spectrum communications
Noise shaping technique for spread spectrum communications
Noise shaping technique for spread spectrum communications
Noise shaping technique for spread spectrum communications
Noise-immune space diversity receiver
Non high frequency clock dependent Manchester biphasic decoder a
Non-coherent phase differential and multiple orthogonal...
Non-destructive lossless image coder
Non-parametric matched filter receiver for wireless...
Non-recursively generated orthogonal PN codes for variable rate
Non-return to zero synchronizer
Non-stationary dither code generation and detection
Nonlinear dynamic system for spread spectrum code generation...
Nonlinear noise reduction apparatus with memory
Nonlinear precoding in code-division multiple access...
Notch filter for digital transmission system
Notification of toll free call charging status
NRZ and biphase-L formatted quadriphase modulated GPS transmissi
NRZ clock and data recovery system employing phase lock loop
NRZ digital data recovery