Humeral stem with anatomical location of taper access for...
Humeral stem with anatomical location of taper access for...
Humeral stem with distal tri-slot
Humerus head prosthesis
Hybrid composite interbody fusion device
Hybrid femoral implant
Hybrid glenoid for shoulder arthroplasty
Hybrid intervertebral disc system
Hybrid intervertebral spinal fusion implant
Hybrid nanofibril matrices for use as tissue engineering...
Hybrid tibial tray knee prosthesis
Hybrid tibial tray knee prosthesis
Hydraulic foam tissue implant
Hydrogel bead intervertebral disc nucleus
Hydrogel intervertebral disc nucleus
Hydrogel intervertebral disc nucleus
Hydrogel intervertebral disc nucleus implantation method
Hydrogel intervertebral disc nucleus with diminished lateral bul
Hydrogel surface of urological prosthesis
Hydrogel-based prosthetic device for replaceing at least a...