Intra-ocular lens
Intra-ocular lens system including microelectric components
Intra-ocular lens system including microelectric components
Intra-ocular lens with resiliently constructed Haptic loops
Intracapsular accomodative implants
Intracapsular pseudophakic device
Intraoccular lens arrangement and method for correcting astigmat
Intraocular and intracorneal refractive lenses
Intraocular archromatic lens
Intraocular artificial lens and method for fabricating same
Intraocular carrying member with attachment for telescope
Intraocular contact lens and method of implantation
Intraocular crystalline lens
Intraocular gradient-index lenses used in eye implantation
Intraocular hydrogel lens with shape memory
Intraocular implant
Intraocular implant
Intraocular implant
Intraocular implant and an artificial lens device
Intraocular implant device for correcting ocular anisotropy