Idle control system for generators
Impact start assist for an electric motor
Impulse rotor generator
In-line auger driven charging system
Incinerator and fume separator system and apparatus
Indoor automobile starting system
Induced surface flow wave energy converter
Induction motor/generator system
Induction static start for a turbine generator with a...
Inertia wheel coupled with a leverage transmission
Inertia-actuated starter for an explosion engine
Infuser augmented vertical wind turbine electrical...
Installation and method for harnessing wave energy
Installation comprising a wave power apparatus and a support...
Installation for exploiting water currents in flowing waters by
Installation for harvesting ocean currents (IHOC)
Insulation and power generation system for buildings
Integral generator housing and base for a turbine generator
Integral generator/pinion assembly for axle power generation
Integrated continuous power system assemblies having...