Ocean wave air piston
Ocean wave energy extracting erosion reversal and power generati
Ocean wave hydro-electric generator facility
Offshore wind turbine with multiple wind rotors and floating...
Oil field induction generator system
Omni-directional vertical-axis wind turbine
On-vehicle rotary electric machine operating on two modes of...
Open cycle ocean thermal energy conversion system
Operating method for a hybrid car
Operating method for a wind turbine with a supersynchronous...
Operation control system for internal combustion engines
Optical probe shield
Output control system for series hybrid vehicle
Output control systems of combined cycle type electric power gen
Output power modulated wind responsive apparatus
Output regulator for a thermal power-producing plant
Output responsive field control for wind-driven alternators and
Output state detector for internal combustion engine
Output voltage controller of engine-driven generator
Overheat protection of an electrical component of an I.C....