Methods and apparatus for operating gas turbine engines
Methods and apparatus for operating gas turbine engines
Methods and apparatus for operating gas turbine engines
Methods and apparatus for providing uniform ignition in an...
Methods and apparatus for supporting variable bypass valve...
Methods for operating gas turbine engines
Miniscale ballistic motor testing method for rocket propellants
Mixed exhaust flow supersonic jet engine and method
Modulated clearance control for an axial flow rotary machine
Monopropellant assisted solid rocket engine
Monopropellant combustion system
Multi component propulsion system and method
Multi-burn solid fuel restartable rocket and method of use
Multi-mode pulsed detonation propulsion system
Multiple bypass-duct turbofan with annular flow plug nozzle and
Multiple-propellant air vehicle and propulsion system
Multiple-propellant air vehicle and propulsion system
Multiple-propellant air vehicle and propulsion system
Multiple-propellant air vehicle and propulsion system