Auxiliary air system for gas turbine engine
Auxiliary lift propulsion system with oversized front fan
Axial compressor for tip turbine engine
Axial flow compressor
Axisymmetric, throttleable non-gimballed rocket engine
Axisymmetrical annular plug propulsion system for integrated...
Backblast gas structure equipped with thrust reverser with...
Backup locking system for a thrust reverser door
Baffle seal for gas turbine engine thrust reverser
Bearing chamber pressurization system for a machine
Bearing compartment for a gas turbine engine
Bi-directional locking ring assembly for aircraft thrust...
Bifold door thrust reverser
Bifurcated splitter for variable bleed flow
Bistable fuel valve
Blade tip clearance control
Blanking-plug system for blanking off an orifice of a pipe,...
Bleed air relief system for engines
Bleed system driven in simplified manner for a turbojet or...
Bleed valve for a gas turbine engine