Diesel engine EGR system with exhaust gas conditioning
Diesel engine equipped with a mechanically driven charger
Diesel engine turbo-expander
Diesel engine with supercharger
Diesel internal combustion engine
Differential compound engine
Direct acting rotary actuator for a turbocharger variable...
Direct-injection engine with turbocharger and method of...
Direct-injection engine with turbocharger and method of...
Divided exhaust manifold system and method
Double-chambered exhaust manifold
Drive assembly for a vehicle
Drive assembly, especially for motor vehicles
Drive device
Drive device for a motor vehicle
Drive system for turbocharger with rotary electric machine
Drive system for turbochargers with rotary electric machines
Drive system for turbochargers with rotary electric machines
Drive system for turbochargers with rotary electric machines
Drive unit with an internal combustion engine and an exhaust...