Recuperator and turbine support adapter for recuperated gas...
Recuperator configuration
Recuperator for gas turbine engine
Recuperator for thermal power installation
Regenerative gas turbine cycle
Regenerative system for a gas turbine
Regenerator cross arm seal assembly
Rotary exchanger for gas turbine installations
Rotary heat exchangers in the form of turbines
Rotating fluidized bed heat exchanger
Semi-closed brayton cycle gas turbine power systems
Single shaft gas turbine engine with axially mounted disk regene
Single shaft gas turbine engine with radial exhaust diffuser
Single-piece turbine rotor and pinion gear and manufacturing...
Sound absorbing flue-gas duct for a gas and steam turbine plant
Suppression system for a gas turbine engine
System and method to stage primary zone airflow
System for heat recovery for combustion machine including compre
System for infrared emission suppression (sires)
System for recirculating the exhaust of a turbomachine