Acoustic impedance-matched fuel nozzle device and tunable...
Active control system for gas turbine blade tip clearance
Adaptive acceleration schedules for gas turbine engine...
Adaptive model-based control systems and methods for...
Adjusting airflow in turbine component by depositing overlay...
Advanced hybrid coal gasification cycle utilizing a recycled...
Advanced multi pressure mode gas turbine
Aerodynamic devices for enhancing sidepanel cooling on an...
Aerodynamic trip for a combustion system
Aeroengine bleed valve
Airblast fuel atomization system
Aircraft engine water misting inter-cooler
Aircraft gas turbine engines
Aircraft gas turbine engines
Airflow modulation technique for low emissions combustors
Airflow sharing
Annular recuperator design
Apparatus and method for combusting low quality fuel
Apparatus and method for controlling combustor liner carbon...
Apparatus and method for determining the status of a valve...