Damper arrangement for reducing combustion-chamber pulsations
Damping arrangement for reducing combustion-chamber...
Damping device for reducing the vibration amplitude of...
Damping of vibration of a combustion chamber by resonators
Damping system for high frequency combustion instabilities in a
Deflecting feeder bowl assembly for a turbojet engine combustion
Deflector for a combustion chamber endwall, combustion...
Design of adiabatic combustors
Deswirler system for centrifugal compressor
Detachable fuel manifold for gas turbine engines
Detecting spark in igniter of gas turbine engine by...
Device for actively controlling combustion instabilities and for
Device for controlling the pressure and delivery of a fuel...
Device for damping thermoacoustic pressure vibrations
Device for efficient usage of cooling air for acoustic...
Device for igniting a combustion in a combustion chamber of...
Device for injecting a mixture of air and fuel, and...
Device for injecting a mixture of air and fuel, and...
Device for injecting a mixture of air and fuel, and...
Device for operating a swirler which controls combustion air of