Performance enhanced control of DLN gas turbines
Plugged inspection opening
Pneumatic compressor bleed valve
Pod for a turbofan aero engine of the forward contrafan type hav
Pod installation for a gas turbine engine
Power generating gasification cycle employing first and second h
Power lever apparatus for a turbine engine
Power management system for turbine engines
Power unit with gas turbine
Power/torque limiter unit for free turbine type engines
Premix combustor for gas turbine engine
Premixed combustor
Premounting retainer for a gas turbine engine
Pressure vessel fuel nozzle support for an industrial gas turbin
Pressure-based fuel metering unit
Pressurized air support for catalytic reactor
Pretensioned frame
Propulsion turbine fuel control system
Protective shutdown system for combined cycle plant having a dua
Pulse width modulated fuel metering system