Hybrid plum tree cv. Suplumsixteen
Hybrid plum tree cv. Suplumtwenty
Hybrid raspberry cv. "Hollins"
Hybrid raspberry cv. "Lawrence"
Hybrid rose plant named `Chrisnusp`
Hybrid Rugosa rose plant named `Morten`
Hybrid shrub rose cv. Macmigmou
Hybrid shrub rose plant cv. Aropiclu
Hybrid tea rose cv. Arocomu
Hybrid tea rose cv. Arogresh
Hybrid tea rose cv. Arokunce
Hybrid tea rose cv. Aropoiz
Hybrid tea rose having flowers of brilliant signal red to scarle
Hybrid tea rose named ‘JACtrig’
Hybrid tea rose named Yoko
Hybrid tea rose named `Hoagy Carmichael`
Hybrid tea rose plane Carbane
Hybrid tea rose plant
Hybrid tea rose plant 2105-F Strahle cultivar
Hybrid tea rose plant 3038-C Strahle cultivar