Distinct variety of streptocarpus named Teal
Distinct variety of streptocarpus named Velma
Distinct variety of Streptocarpus named Vreni
Dogwood (Cornus florida) named `Am-erika Touch-O-Pink`
Dogwood tree
Dogwood tree
Dogwood tree "Aurora"
Dogwood tree "Daybreak"
Dogwood tree "Spring Grove"
Dogwood tree "Sunset"
Dogwood tree -- imperial white variety
Dogwood tree -- named `D-376-15`
Dogwood tree -- `Stellar Pink`
Dogwood tree named `D-184-11`
Dogwood tree named `White Love`
Dogwood tree `Comco No. 1`
Dogwood tree `Constellation`
Dogwood tree `Phillips Pink No. 1`
Dogwood tree `Rutfan`
Dogwood tree- `Rutlan`